95% of Americans are not consuming nearly enough fiber.
This statistic is more than just an eye-opening number – it's a critical wake-up call for our consumption habits and overall health.
Fiber plays an incredibly important role in supporting healthy and regular bowel movements, aiding digestion, and contributing to overall gut health.
Given how ultra-processed the Standard American Diet has become, it’s grown extremely challenging to get enough daily fiber into one’s diet, which has proven to be the culprit for very common symptoms such as constipation, bloating, low energy, and skin issues just to name a few.
Left unaddressed, these addressable 'short term' symptoms end up contributing to the massive rise in lifestyle-driven chronic disease.
This got us thinking...and thinking, and thinking...
How could we make it as easy and enjoyable as possible to never fall short on fiber again?

And how could we ensure that our solution stood out in terms of formulation, efficacy AND taste?
It was these guiding questions that inspired our bite-sized solution.
By way of their format and formula, our bites provide a more potent, more convenient, and more effective result than most conventional alternatives – zero blending, pill swallowing, or preparation required.
The best part? You'll actually look forward to having one.
Plus, unlike almost ALL other fiber products that include questionable additives such as fillers, preservatives, gums, artificial sweeteners, and added sugar (the list goes on), this is an area we’ll never compromise on.
We read ingredient labels carefully and know that you do too.
With 5 grams of gut-nourishing fiber per serving, a single bite gets you that much closer to reaching your optimal intake every single day.
The Fiome Difference
Natural, nothing artificial
The simplicity of our ingredient list is our pride and joy. Our delicious taste is just the cherry on top.
A bite, no pill or powder
Did you ever think you'd actually look forward to supplementing your daily fiber intake?
Any time, anywhere
At home, in the car, on the plane, or wherever your travels take you, Fiome can come with.